Thyme Honey 2023
Honey Batch
on July 17th 2023
on 2nd of August 2023
Best before rate
August 2028 (indicative, date, in fact, honey keep forever)

Low lands of the northern side of the Troodos mountains
Altitude: 450m
At the end of the may following a very cold and dry spring in the mountains and after harvesting our spring honey we decided to move some hives in the low lands of the Troodos mountains rouge where grouse the wild thyme bushes.
The very dry conditions were hard for the bees, and they did struggle to bring back nectar in small production small quantity but exceptional in quality. Our thyme honey is very distinctive, on the nose you will find a delicate blend of dry orange peel and intensive taste of walnut.
This batch as a DIASTASE NUMBER 34,3! it is exceptionally height and places this honey up on the list of the healthiest honey in the world

Recommended in a healthy diet
A good source of antioxidants, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, heal wounds, phytonutrient powerhouse, help for digestive issues, soothe a sore throat.