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Honey Production Transparency Hub

Pure Organic Raw Unfiltered Honey

Purely Natural, Raw Organic Honey

Discover our pure organic raw unfiltered honey. It is naturally crystallized and harvested without smoke, maintaining its authentic purity and essence.

Apianthos organic honey: Nature's Gift from the Troodos Mountains.

Troodos Mountain Natural Gift

Our honey, sourced from the Troodos mountains in Cyprus, reflects the area's rich biodiversity and commitment to natural and sustainable beekeeping, ensuring harmony with the environment.

Ethically sourced honey through sustainable beekeeping, ensuring a transparent journey from flower to jar.

Ethical & Sustainable Honey Production

Our honey represents a commitment to excellence and ethics, sourced with transparency and produced sustainably from its origin to your home, reflecting our unwavering dedication to maintaining natural purity.

Organic Botanical Bee Park in the Troodos Mountain Range geographical area in Cyprus.

Key point of interest:

Apianthos honey has 0 chemicals or antibiotics

Chemicals, pollutants & pesticides:

Unfortunately, bees and their honey can be contaminated by chemicals and pollutants, usually from products used by beekeepers to control pests in hives but also from exterior contaminations.

All our honeys are tested for chemicals and pollutants, but none have been found.

Antibiotics are still widely used in bee-keeping for treatment against bacteria; honey can also be contaminated when bees drink water next to animal farms, where antibiotics used on animals end up in nearby water sources.
All our honeys are tested for antibiotics, but none have been found.

Free acids: should not exceed 50 meq/ kg with the exception of citrus and honeydew honeys
Honeydew and Citrus honey show higher acidity. Acidity also increase with age.
Glucose and fructose content:  Usually superior to 60% for most honey types
These are the natural occurring sugars of honey!
Moisture Content (Humidity): should not exceed 20% for most honeys.
High humidity is mainly due to poor storage and age.. Excess water leads to sourness of the honey.
Electrical Conductivity: should not exceed  0.8 mS/cm
Particularly important parameter for the classification honey, conductivity varies according to types of honey and can help identify fraudulent classification.
Content of non-water-soluble substances: should not exceed 0.1%
Residues and other foreign materials have no place in Honey!
Diastase activity: should be superior to 8 DN
Diastase is an enzyme. The diastase enzyme activity decreases with heating and aging. Their presence in honey varies depending on
Sucrose content:  should never exceed 5%
Sucrose is not a naturally occurring in large quantity in honey and is found when bee feed is used or
HMF content:  should not exceed  40 mg / kg
The main indicator of the quality of the honey HMF is a by-product of the conversion of sucrose to glucose
Gyroscopic analysis

Gyroscopic analysis:

Gyroscopic analysis is the analysis of the different types of Pollens in honey.

Bees collect Pollens and nectars from Flowers; the analysis of the pollen in honey proves the geographical origin of honey; it is important to note that it does not always mean that the honey will have the flavor of the plants the pollen comes from; Nectar has a greater influence on taste!

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